Thursday, July 1, 2010


Fuck me. Last night our house was broken into and our computer was stolen. That includes all of my work, photos, and my semi regular access to the internet. What does this mean for the blog? expect even less action (not like I was writing much anyway). What does this mean for my image of paradise? In a word, tainted. The first Tahitian I saw today, I mugged like he was the thief.... grrrr.


  1. OH NO! Sorry bro! That sucka robbed the wrong gringo! He's in for some baaaaaaaaaad Tahitian juju now, for sure. Who knows, maybe you've made enough impact on the community in a positive way that someone will know who did it or will turn the computer in to someone that will get it back to you... man, bummer.

  2. I'm sorry:( I am glad you are physically okay though:) Do you guys need help getting any supplies? you could set up a paypal for donations...

  3. Such a bummer, sorry Chris! :(
